

问:英语作文 核武器的威胁,维护世界和平。核电站提供廉价清洁的能源。核技术的好处远大于缺点。
  1. 答:How to treat the nuclear? I suppose everybody has his personnal view. In my opinion, the technolgoy is just a tool serving human. There is no good or bad to judge a technique. The only difference is the person who use it. Good man can use the nuclear weapon for peace , while the bad guys can use the nuclear power station for bad purpose. So that, it makes no sense arguing the nuclear technolgoy is good or not. What we need to do is protecting the precious peace from the bad guys who intend to break it.
问:英语高手帮忙写句关于核武器危害的thesis statement
  1. 答:nuclear weapons are not only destructive but also inflenced a long time period by radiation.关于毁灭性你可以写几段关于辐射影响你也可以写几段
  1. 答:第一首先强调中国在核武器的使用上,比如不首先对无核无国家动用核武,对有核国家保持时刻反击状态,中国保持在可以进行核反击数量的核武,再说一下中国两弹一星,再与别国对比,比如高卢鸡,比如约翰牛,比如大笨熊,比如白头鹰,对比后差不多200字了,再说一下中国对核扩散的作为,比如反对朝鲜研制核武,比如伊朗核武,东扯西凑就差不多300字了。
